BOOK BONUSES : The Self-Healing Spiral
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Below you'll find all the book bonuses and digital tools that I share in the book. With this, you'll be unstoppable and transform into a complete new version of you. Enjoy!

Step 1 : The Wound
We all have wounds and gifts. Living, suffering, falling, getting back up, believing and loving is the only way to discover these wounds and gifts.
Our wounds are born in a lack of love, real or perceived. They heal through the love we give them. Love from ourselves, above anything else.
Our wounds make us wear masks. Reactions provoked by the ego that wishes to protect us from suffering.
Our reactions, that’s to say our emotions, are the visible part of our wounds.

Step 2 : The Emotion
Emotions are traces of the past. They are an endproduct of a past experience, like Dr Joe Dispenza teaches it.
Emotions can be provoked by an event or a thought.
Emotions knock at the door of our heart for as long as we don’t open the door to them. Let them pass through you, they will leave just as soon.
Emotions are our allies. They help us to discover who we are and the needs we have.
Step 3 : Welcome and Honour
Welcoming and honouring your emotions brings an almost instantaneous relief. It liberates the body and the heart from a weight of the past.
Welcoming your emotions means that you have to let everything pass through you. Simply embracing them.
Honouring your emotions means unrolling the red carpet for them and thanking them for the message and healing they bring.

Step 4 : Transmute
Only the body has the ability to truly heal itself
It is important to transform negative thoughts into positive ones in order to reprogram the subconscious mind
The Thalamus identifies elements of everyday life that confirm we are right and encourages us to do the same thing over and over again.
The brain does not hear negations and focuses on what will be affirmed
Step 5 : Practice
Emotion is finally released by relaxing our muscles, through movement, breathing or meditation.
We are pure energy. We have 4 sources of energy: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Our energy structure is composed of 7 chakras that should be regularly maintained for good physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Step 6 : Love
To love yourself is to accept yourself exactly as you are now, with your faults and qualities
Love is learned and developed little by little by taking care of yourself and treating yourself like you'd treat your best friend: with respect, trust, support, kindness...
Marry yourself before you really get married
Cultivate joy in your life: it is a form of Self-Love