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5 ways to start leading your life with

ease and alignement

instead of hustle and control.


What to expect: My best tips!

5 Concrete, hands-on, short exercises

that will awaken your feminine, magnetic energy


Caitlin, New York

​"A loving, intuitive mother"

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Lisa, Park City, USA

"Elé, you are an angel"

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Nathalie, Genval

"My most beautiful encounter"​

“I met a lot of amazing people when trying to face my depression, but Elé was my most beautiful encounter.


She helped me reconnect with myself, see my true worth, love myself again and find inner peace.


She taught me how to live again thanks to her teachings, tools and mindset work. 


I wouldn’t be were I am if I hadn’t met her and I’ll be forever grateful. Thank you so much Elé!”


5 powerful exercises

How to lead with ease and alignment - life & business -

Why you need this, even though you might know it yet

How to start implementing these tips today

How to manifest your unique feminine energy and alignment in life



Hi there, I'm Elé! 


Belgian, 33 yo, living in Canada, happily married to an amazing English gentleman, mom-to-be (May 2021) and I have lived in my masculine for a very long time! 


Whether I was doing a Management master in evening classes, Working in a world renown bank, Launching my coaching business, Learning Energy Healing in Quebec, Teaching the method I created - The Self-Healing Spiral™, Writing my next book or Following Coaching Programs, I always did it from a wounded masculine place.


Even though I was proud of being so effective, structured, competitive, proving myself,... I felt more and more out of alignment and exhausted. Something was off...

I realized there was another way of living; working, healing, coaching, writing, doing everything basically... A way that was made of ease and magnetism.

A Divine Feminine Way.


I did all the inner work and energy healing my soul guided me to and realized we all need to heal and awaken the divine feminine energy within to unlock our sovereignty. This work is deeply transformative at a physical and soul level, and I believe it is part of building the New Earth where we are all our own sovereign.


Today, I am your Modern-Day Priestess. And I will teach you how to reclaim your feminine power, your sovereignty, so that you can lead your life and your business with ease, alignment and magnetism.





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